
Celtic Name Generator

Delve into the world of Celtic mythology with our Celtic god name generator! Find the perfect name for these mystical and enigmatic deities of the Celts.

Celtic name generator
Keep it short and sweet, inspire our AI to generate the perfect name for you.

Understanding Celtic Names

Celtic gods are the deities from the mythology of the Celtic peoples, particularly in Ireland, Scotland, and Wales. They are often associated with nature, magic, and various elements. Celtic mythology is rich with stories of gods and goddesses who have a deep connection with the land.

How to come up with the perfect Celtic name

Celtic god names often reflect their characteristics, domains, and their association with nature. Names like Cernunnos, Brigid, and Morrigan are common among Celtic gods.

Other Celtic names

Embark on a journey through Celtic god names inspired by the enchanting mythology of the Celts:

CernunnosHorned God of the ForestMale
BrigidGoddess of Fire and HearthFemale
LughGod of Light and ArtsMale
MorriganGoddess of War and FateFemale
DagdaFather God and ProtectorMale
DanuMother Goddess of the Tuatha Dé DanannFemale
NuadaGod of the Tuatha Dé DanannMale
RhiannonGoddess of Horses and BirdsFemale
ArawnLord of Annwn (the Otherworld)Male
EponaGoddess of Horses and FertilityFemale
LirGod of the SeaMale
BlodeuweddFlower Face, Goddess of SpringFemale
OgmaGod of Eloquence and LearningMale
CailleachGoddess of Winter and StormsFemale
ManannanGod of the Sea and GuardianshipMale
ArianrhodSilver Wheel, Goddess of the MoonFemale
Crom CruachAncient God of SacrificeMale
RigantonaGreat QueenFemale
SucellusGod of Agriculture and ForestsMale
NantosueltaGoddess of Nature and HealingFemale
CathuboduaBattle Crow, War GoddessFemale

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