Over 471 "Historical Fiction" Writing Prompts

Tell the story of a Tasmanian family in the mid-1800s, whose livelihood is connected to the whaling industry. Explore their daily lives, the ethical dilemmas they face with the decline of the whale population, and their interactions with conservationists advocating for an end to whaling.

Historical Fiction
Australian & Oceanian

Write about a philosopher in Ancient Greece who is accused by their city-state of corrupting the minds of the young with their radical ideas. Explore their trial, their defense, the societal reactions, and the impact their thoughts have on future generations.

Historical Fiction

Write from the perspective of a temple dancer preparing for the grand festival of Opet. As the political tension between Thebes and a rising power in the north grows, the festival is imbued with extra importance. Outline your days leading up to the festival, your fears, hopes, and unveil a secret tied deeply with the temple that could alter the course of the festival and your life.

Historical Fiction
Ancient Egypt

A skilled female manuscript illuminator in medieval England struggles to keep her craft a secret in a male-dominated profession. When a prominent monk requests her service for a prestigious project, she must decide whether to reveal her true identity or continue her work in secrecy.

Historical Fiction

In 1780, a young woman inherits a derelict manor in the English countryside. Upon moving in, she discovers a series of hidden letters that suggest her ancestors were spies during the American Revolution. Write about her journey as she decides whether to publish the scandalous truths or keep them hidden to protect her family's name.

Historical Fiction
18th Century

Set in the ancient Mississippian culture at the peak of Cahokia’s power, craft a tale about a young trader from a distant tribe who arrives for the first time at the grand city for the Gathering of the Great Sun. Explore the cultural shocks, the intrigues, and the opportunities they encounter.

Historical Fiction
Ancient Americas

Craft a tale centered around the Underground Railroad. Your protagonist is a fearless conductor who has already led many to freedom. On what they vow will be their final mission, they encounter an unexpected obstacle that tests their resolve and courage.

Historical Fiction

Craft a tale about the discovery of a new tomb in the Valley of the Kings through the eyes of a lowly laborer who finds himself suddenly thrust into the world of grave robbers, archaeologists, and national pride, as the tomb might be that of an unknown pharaoh.

Historical Fiction
Ancient Egypt

In ancient Crete, after the fall of the Minoan civilization, a fisherman unearths an amulet of strange origin linked to the lost labyrinth. Thread his journey to piece together remnants of the past while evading those who believe the labyrinth's secrets must remain buried forever.

Historical Fiction
Ancient Greece

Write a story from the perspective of a young scribe in ancient Egypt, who discovers a hidden message in hieroglyphics that could change the course of history. Explore his journey as he decides whether to keep the secret or expose it, risking his life and the stability of the kingdom.

Historical Fiction
Ancient Egypt

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