Over 20 "Science Fiction" Writing Prompts

After a breakthrough in quantum computing enables instantaneous travel across the universe, a scientist discovers that these "quantum jumps" have unintended consequences, altering the fabric of reality. They and a team of misfit scholars must trace their steps back through the cosmos to prevent reality itself from unraveling.

Science Fiction & Fantasy
Science Fiction

Create a future where humanity has depleted all natural sources of water, and the control of synthetic water is in the hands of a powerful corporation. Follow a group of rebels who plan to break the monopoly and rediscover a forgotten technology to extract water from the atmosphere.

Science Fiction & Fantasy
Science Fiction

In a dystopian society, every citizen's role is determined by their DNA. Your main character, who was always told they had the DNA of a low-level technician, accidentally discovers they possess the rarest gene, capable of unpredictable powers. What happens next?

Science Fiction & Fantasy
Science Fiction

Write a story set in a future where memories can be bought and sold. Your protagonist is a memory detective who must recover a stolen, highly classified memory before it's sold on the black market.

Science Fiction & Fantasy
Science Fiction

In a world recovering from a near-catastrophic environmental disaster, an environmental scientist discovers a hidden ecosystem beneath the Earth's crust that could revolutionize how humans coexist with the planet. As they explore this subterranean world, they must protect it from exploitation while encouraging a new way of life above ground.

Science Fiction & Fantasy
Science Fiction

Your character wakes up on a space station alone, with no memory of how they got there. The station is drifting towards a black hole. Through clues left behind, they must piece together their past and figure out a way to escape the station's dire fate.

Science Fiction & Fantasy
Science Fiction

Humans have started terraforming Mars, but an ancient, dormant Martian technology awakens, recognizing the terraformers as threats. A historian specializing in Martian civilization is sent to negotiate peace, discovering deeply held secrets about both the technology and the true history of Mars that could change the future of both planets.

Science Fiction & Fantasy
Science Fiction

Describe a world where dreams can be recorded, shared, and even sold. Your main character is a dream thief, someone who illegally extracts and sells high-demand dreams. One night, they steal a dream that reveals more about the universe than humanity was ever meant to know.

Science Fiction & Fantasy
Science Fiction

Imagine a world in which people are able to customize their children before they are born, selecting traits like intelligence, appearance, and talents. Follow a family who chose to leave their child's traits to nature, and explore how the child navigates this highly engineered society.

Science Fiction & Fantasy
Science Fiction

Write a story about a society where memories can be bought and sold like commodities, and follow the journey of a character who decides to sell their happiest memory to afford a better life for their family. Explore the consequences of losing such an integral part of oneself.

Science Fiction & Fantasy
Science Fiction

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