Over 471 "Historical Fiction" Writing Prompts

Set in ancient Rome, tell the tale of a slave who discovers an intricate plot against the Emperor. Explore their moral dilemma as they decide whether to reveal the plot and gain their freedom or stay silent and protect the only family they've ever known.

Historical Fiction

Write a story set during the construction of the Great Wall of China, focusing on a young soldier who is taken from his village to work on the wall. Explore his struggles, the friendships he forms, and the personal growth he experiences amidst the backdrop of one of the most monumental engineering feats in history.

Historical Fiction

Write about a tense alliance formed during the Crusades between a Knight Templar and a Saracen soldier, both left behind in the desert. Detail their survival journey, the understanding they reach, and the impact of their story when they eventually return to their respective people.

Historical Fiction

Set in the bustling streets of Shanghai in the late 1930s, follow the story of a young Chinese street vendor who befriends an American journalist. Through this unlikely friendship, they navigate the dangers of the city on the brink of World War II, sharing stories and secrets that could put both of their lives at risk.

Historical Fiction
20th Century

Write a story from the perspective of a spy working for the American patriots, who must pass a crucial piece of intelligence to George Washington. However, their affection for a British officer complicates their mission. Explore the emotional and ethical conflicts faced by the spy during this critical moment.

Historical Fiction
American Revolution

Imagine you are a companion to Leonardo da Vinci during his last days in Amboise. He confides in you about his regrets and shares unfinished projects. Write about the bond you share, the stories he tells of his past inventions, and the final masterpiece he imagines but will never create.

Historical Fiction

Imagine a day in the life of a court musician in the kingdom of Silla (ancient Korea). Describe their role in the royal court, the preparation for a significant royal event, and how they navigate the intrigues and dangers of palace life while trying to preserve their artistic integrity.

Historical Fiction

On the eve of an important oracle’s prophecy, you, a temple priestess in Delphi, find yourself swayed between maintaining the sacred neutrality of your position and influencing the political landscape of various city-states vying for supremacy. Explore the ethical and moral dilemmas through your eyes.

Historical Fiction
Ancient Greece

In a small European village in the 1750s, a young apprentice discovers an ancient manuscript that suggests the village was once the site of a revolutionary scientific discovery. Write a story where the apprentice unravels the mystery, dealing with historical opposition and personal doubts during their quest for truth.

Historical Fiction
18th Century

In the heart of war-torn London during the Blitz, an unlikely friendship forms between two children: one evacuated from the city and living with a foster family, and the other a local, streetwise kid. Together, they discover an old camera and begin documenting their experiences. Write about how their perspectives on the war change through the lens of their camera.

Historical Fiction
World War 2

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