Over 471 "Historical Fiction" Writing Prompts

Write from the perspective of a servant in a grand manor during the Regency period who uncovers a scandalous secret about the noble family's lineage. Explore how they navigate the complex web of loyalty, power, and morality.

Historical Fiction

Pen a tale about the construction of a grand estate in Regency England, told through the eyes of the architect, the lord commissioning the estate, and the local villagers whose lives are disrupted by the grandiose plans. Explore themes of ambition, community, and resistance to change.

Historical Fiction

Imagine a medieval village where every full moon, one villager disappears without a trace. Write from the perspective of a newly appointed village elder who must uncover the ancient myth or curse causing these disappearances to save the ones they love.

Historical Fiction

Write a story from the perspective of a carrier pigeon tasked with delivering critical messages between troops during the heart of a World War 1 battle. Detail its perilous journey and the soldiers it interacts with along the way.

Historical Fiction
World War 1

Depict the life of a jazz musician in 1920s New Orleans, capturing not only the vibrant music scene but also the racial tensions and cultural transformations of the era.

Historical Fiction

In the 1980s, at the height of the Cold War, a Soviet ballet dancer decides to defect while on tour in New York City. Describe their first 48 hours in America, the fears they face, the unexpected allies they find, and how they deal with the threat of being followed by their own countrymen.

Historical Fiction
20th Century

Write a story centered around the Great Exhibition of

Historical Fiction

Create a tale based on the voyages of a female merchant in the Mediterranean during the Middle Ages, dealing with pirates, storms, and rival traders as she strives to establish her independence in a male-dominated world.

Historical Fiction

Write a story from the perspective of a young Athenian child who discovers a mysterious artifact in the ground while helping their family in the olive groves. This artifact turns out to have significant historical and mythological importance, leading to adventures involving gods, oracles, and heroes of ancient Greece.

Historical Fiction
Ancient Greece

In the late Victorian era, a detective in London stumbles upon a series of coded messages in the personal ads of newspapers. Believing it to be the communication between spies, he starts to investigate, uncovering a deeper mystery involving international intrigue and a potential threat to the British Empire.

Historical Fiction

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