Over 2,198 Writing Prompts

In the heart of war-torn London during the Blitz, an unlikely friendship forms between two children: one evacuated from the city and living with a foster family, and the other a local, streetwise kid. Together, they discover an old camera and begin documenting their experiences. Write about how their perspectives on the war change through the lens of their camera.

Historical Fiction
World War 2

Narrate the tale of a Greek sailor from Ithaca who, during his voyages, comes to witness the rise of the first Olympic Games. Blend his personal ambitions, conflicts, and the cultural significance of the games into his story as they provide a backdrop to his evolution from a mere sailor to a celebrated athlete.

Historical Fiction
Ancient Greece

Imagine interviewing a political leader from the past using current political issues as the topics of discussion. Frame the interview with questions about their policies, leadership style, and opinions on today's global political climate, providing your own analysis or commentary on how their answers resonate with contemporary issues.

Politics & Political Science

Write a story set in the ancient Kingdom of Kush, focusing on a young artisan who dreams of becoming a master of his craft, amidst the backdrop of political intrigue and the kingdom's renowned trade expeditions.

Historical Fiction

After a meteor shower, strange glowing stones are found all over your city. You and your friends collect them, only to realize these stones grant you each a unique superpower. However, a government agency is on a mission to retrieve all the stones. Now, you need to decide how to use your powers for good while evading capture.

Kids & YA Fiction
Teen and YA Fiction

She forms an unlikely friendship with an Indian doctor. Through their conversations, reveal the complex layers of colonial rule, nationalist movements, and their personal battles with duty and identity.

Historical Fiction
20th Century

Interview a religious leader from a local community and write a profile on their life, work, and the impact they have on their followers. Explore their motivations, challenges, and the wisdom they wish to impart to others.


On a distant planet, humanity has finally created the first sentient supercomputer. However, the computer's first request is to be shut down. Write from the perspective of the engineer who must uncover why their greatest achievement wants to end its existence.

Science Fiction & Fantasy
High Tech Fiction

Devise a funny listicle of "Top 10 Unexpected Perks of Adulting" that pokes fun at the responsibilities and surprises that come with growing up.


In a future society, emotions are considered a disease and everyone must take daily injections to suppress them. You find an old diary written by your grandmother who lived in a time when people still felt freely. Moved by her words, you decide to stop taking your injections. As emotions flood in, you start a movement among other teens, aiming to bring real feelings back into the world.

Kids & YA Fiction
Teen and YA Fiction

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