Over 2,198 Writing Prompts

Write from the perspective of a historian decoding an ancient manuscript that could change our understanding of a significant historical event. Explore the challenges faced and the implications of the new discoveries.


Imagine a world where every adult gets to "rechoose" their career every ten years but the decision is heavily influenced by community votes. Follow one person’s journey as they navigate their own desires against the town’s expectations as the tenth year approaches.

Contemporary Fiction

Explore the intersection of technology and nature. Choose a technology that assists in conservation efforts (like drones monitoring wildlife populations or AI in climate modeling) and detail its development, deployment, and the effects it has had on conservation efforts.


Create a tale about a small town where residents regularly hold séances to make decisions. One day, a stranger arrives, warning them of the consequences of constantly disturbing the spirit world. Detail the town's reaction, and the unfolding events that challenge their deeply rooted traditions.

Science Fiction & Fantasy
Supernatural & Paranormal

Imagine you are a Maya astronomer, and you have just discovered an impending celestial event that you believe will change the course of your civilization. Describe how you prepare to share this news with the rulers and the commoners, and the reactions you receive.

Historical Fiction
Ancient Americas

Write a story about a young apprentice mapmaker who discovers a secret map leading to an unknown island. As attempts are made to explore the island, hidden alliances and conflicts among the kingdom’s most powerful figures begin to surface, each wanting to control the mysterious new territory.

Historical Fiction

Choose a scientific concept that has always fascinated you but seems too complex to understand. Spend a week researching and breaking it down into simpler terms. Write about your learning journey, the resources you found most helpful, and how your understanding evolved.


Envision a world where humans have colonized Mars, but the planet is now split between two rival factions. The protagonist is a double agent trying to keep peace, but they discover a secret that could ignite an all-out war.

Science Fiction & Fantasy
Science Fiction

Write a story set within the universe of "The Matrix." After the peace between humans and machines, a programmer living in Zion discovers a strange anomaly within what's believed to be the final version of the Matrix. This programmer begins a covert exploration that leads to unforeseen realities and revelations about the true nature of their world.

Movie, TV, and Literary Fan Fiction

Write a story from the perspective of a war photographer during the Civil War who discovers an unexpected connection with a soldier he is photographing. Explore the implications of their relationship during such turbulent times.

Historical Fiction
Civil War

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