Over 2,198 Writing Prompts

Set your tale in pre-Columbian America. Imagine the daily life and spiritual practices of a young member of the Maya civilization. What happens when their city-state faces an unprecedented drought, leading to both societal and personal transformation?

Historical Fiction

A group of friends goes on a hiking trip in a remote forest where no human has stepped for decades. As night falls, they realize that something in the forest is hunting them, mimicking their voices and separating them one by one.

Thrillers & Suspense

Write an article debating the pros and cons of DIY home improvement versus hiring professionals. Use personal anecdotes to illustrate points and provide practical advice for someone standing at this crossroad.

Home & Garden

Write a story set in a futuristic city where every building and vehicle can change its appearance based on the occupants' emotions and desires. Introduce a character who can't control their emotions well, causing chaotic transformations that attract unwanted attention in a society that values emotional stability.

Science Fiction & Fantasy
Alternate Realities

Pen a narrative set during the harsh winter at Valley Forge. Explore the camaraderie and conflict among Continental Army soldiers trying to survive, as seen through the eyes of an elderly camp follower tasked with nursing sick troops.

Historical Fiction
American Revolution

After a breakthrough in quantum computing enables instantaneous travel across the universe, a scientist discovers that these "quantum jumps" have unintended consequences, altering the fabric of reality. They and a team of misfit scholars must trace their steps back through the cosmos to prevent reality itself from unraveling.

Science Fiction & Fantasy
Science Fiction

During a high school reunion, a woman who is now a private investigator overhears a conversation that rekindles an unresolved case from her teen years β€” the mysterious death of a classmate thought to have been an accident. Explore how she uses this opportunity to pursue the truth with the skills she's honed in her career.

Mystery & Crime
Women Detectives

Set in ancient Rome, create a romance between a gladiator and the daughter of a senator. Forbidden by law and society, they communicate through secret letters and rare, stolen moments. Explore how their love influences their views on freedom and destiny.

Historical Romance

Write a story set on a distant planet where the indigenous species has evolved to communicate, learn, and make decisions collectively. What happens when a human expedition arrives and introduces the concept of individuality?

Science Fiction & Fantasy

Craft an essay exploring how a specific relationship has transformed you. Delve into the dynamics that changed, the struggles you faced together, and the key moments that strengthened your bond. Reflect on what this relationship reveals about your needs and capabilities in connections with others.

Self-Help & Relationships

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