Over 2,198 Writing Prompts

Write about the most challenging plant you've ever cared for in your garden. Describe the trials and errors, what you learned about gardening and yourself through the process, and any tips for fellow gardeners facing similar challenges.

Home & Garden

On a trip to Scotland, a writer discovers an old, untouched cottage and decides to stay there to find inspiration. During their stay, they meet a ghostly figure who claims to be the original owner from centuries ago. He’s charming, witty, and terribly sad about a lost love who he waits for every sunset at the shore. Intrigued and increasingly attached, the writer decides to help the ghost find peace, unraveling a haunting, romantic story hidden beneath the time-worn stones of the cottage.

Paranormal Romance

Imagine a small, divided border town during the Civil War where families and friendships are torn apart by differing loyalties. Craft a story focused on two childhood friends who find themselves on opposing sides and their struggle to maintain their bond.

Historical Fiction
Civil War

Channel the voice of an aging samurai in 18th-century Japan, providing a first-person narrative of his final days. As he reflects on his life, battles fought, and the evolution of the samurai code, introduce a young relative eager to take up the way of the warrior in a changing world.

Historical Fiction
18th Century

Imagine you are the sibling of a notorious but brilliant artist in Renaissance Italy. Tell the tale of your life overshadowed by your sibling's fame, detailing how you contributed to their art in unrecognized ways, weaving in the rich tapestry of Italian culture and politics during that era.

Historical Fiction

Following the midnight ride of Paul Revere, imagine the tale of a lesser-known rider who also went out to warn the countryside of the approaching British. What personal risks did they face? How did their actions impact the events that followed?

Historical Fiction
American Revolution

A Scottish soldier returns to his village after surviving the Napoleonic Wars, only to find it on the brink of industrial change. Craft a story exploring his adjustment to a new way of life, the transformation of landscape and society, and his role in an emerging workers' uprising against mill owners.

Historical Fiction

After an unexpected archaeological discovery, an artifact is found that suggests Hermione Granger wasn't born a muggle after all. Write a story where an unknown historic wizard turns out to be her real ancestor, altering the course of her life and her role in the wizarding world.

Movie, TV, and Literary Fan Fiction

Create a future where humanity has depleted all natural sources of water, and the control of synthetic water is in the hands of a powerful corporation. Follow a group of rebels who plan to break the monopoly and rediscover a forgotten technology to extract water from the atmosphere.

Science Fiction & Fantasy
Science Fiction

Trace the career of a lesser-known artist (musician, actor, or performer) who you believe deserves more recognition. Write a compelling feature that covers their milestones, struggles, and contributions to their art form.

Music, Film, & Performing Arts

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