Over 2,198 Writing Prompts

In a quiet small town, a local librarian and a pop-up bookstore owner find themselves embroiled in a prank war, sparked by a dispute over who truly fosters a love for reading in the community. As they outdo each other, they inadvertently end up falling in love.

Contemporary Fiction

In the aftermath of a robotic uprising, a lone human and a damaged robot form an unlikely alliance. Describe their travels across a post-apocalyptic landscape in search of a rumored haven where humans and robots live in peace.

Science Fiction & Fantasy

Describe a day in the life of a nurse working in a makeshift hospital near a major Civil War battlefield. Detail her daily challenges, the soldiers she encounters, and a particular moment that changes her outlook on the war.

Historical Fiction
Civil War

Describe the life of a woman who has always played by the rules, living a seemingly perfect life from the outside. One day, she impulsively buys a one-way ticket to a country she’s never visited. Detail her adventures, the people she meets, and how the journey helps her redefine her understanding of happiness and purpose.

Contemporary Fiction
Women's Fiction

Describe the intense week in the life of a prosecutor who has found irrefutable evidence linking a respected civic leader to a series of unsolved murders. Battling against public opinion, the prosecutor must build a solid case while dealing with an internal leak that’s threatening to discredit all the evidence.

Thrillers & Suspense
Legal Thrillers

A lost kitten follows you home, but you soon discover that this is no ordinary kitten—it can speak! Write about your conversations with the talking kitten and the secrets it shares.

Kids & YA Fiction
Ages 6-8

Describe the secret meeting of several key women from different colonies who band together to support the war effort in their own unique way. Explore their covert operations, the risk of discovery, and the impact of their actions on the war's outcome.

Historical Fiction
American Revolution

Describe the peculiar night when an infamous hacker, sitting in a crowded internet café, finds herself unwittingly caught in the digital crossfire of an international crime syndicate planning their next heist — a heist she is morally compelled to stop.

Thrillers & Suspense
Crime Thrillers

Write an essay arguing the influence of a specific technological invention on the course of history. Use specific historical events and figures to support your case, examining both immediate and long-term effects.


Reflect on a time when sports taught you a life-changing lesson. Describe the circumstances, the lesson learned, and how it has since influenced different aspects of your life.


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