Over 2,198 Writing Prompts

Create a detailed narrative on the influence of climate change on global economies. Focus particularly on how differing regions adapt to changes in weather patterns, natural disasters, and the shift towards renewable energy sources.

Social Sciences

Write a story about two people who meet at a dog park every morning. Though they've never spoken, they've noticed each other because their dogs—complete opposites in breed and personality—have inexplicably become inseparable friends. This silent mutual acknowledgment leads to a first conversation and slowly unfurls into something more.

Contemporary Fiction

Describe the power struggle that unfolds in a small village along the Nile when a precious and rare artifact is unearthed by a local farmer. Detail how various factions within the village, including the priest, the village chief, and foreign traders, vie for possession of the artifact.

Historical Fiction
Ancient Egypt

Set in a multicultural urban neighborhood, bring to life a story where members of different religious communities come together to save a historic building slated for demolition. Highlight their journey of collaboration, overcoming prejudices, and discovering shared values.

Contemporary Fiction

Write from the perspective of a young child in occupied France who unknowingly befriends a German soldier. Detail their interactions, the soldier’s hidden doubts about the war, and the child’s innocent but poignant insights into the conflict around them.

Historical Fiction
World War 2

Describe a scenario where a character inherits an old, rundown bookstore and decides to revive it. Detail the challenges faced, the quirky customers, and unexpected friendships formed through their love of books.

Contemporary Fiction

Set your tale in the bustling trade city of Jerusalem during the time of Jesus. Imagine your protagonist is a skeptical merchant who has never paid much attention to religious matters, but after a chance encounter with Christ, he starts to see miracles happen in his day-to-day life. Explore his transformation and the reactions of those around him.

Historical Fiction
Christian Fiction

Tell the story of a group of Ancestral Puebloans facing the decision to abandon their cliffside dwellings. Through the eyes of an elder matriarch, explore the reasons behind this drastic decision, the emotional toll of leaving their ancestral home, and the hopes and fears for their future.

Historical Fiction
Ancient Americas

Pen a love story set in a historical period of your choice, where the protagonists are from rival families. Despite the societal expectations and dire consequences, they find inventive, secretive ways to foster their relationship.


Imagine you are writing a journal as a lesser-known artist in the Renaissance period. Describe your interactions with giants of the era, your creative process, your struggles for patronage, and a detailed description of your most ambitious art piece.

Historical Fiction

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