Over 20 "High Tech Fiction" Writing Prompts

Imagine a world where virtual reality has evolved to be indistinguishable from real life. Write a story about a group of hackers who discover a hidden code in the VR system that allows them to manipulate physical reality.

Science Fiction & Fantasy
High Tech Fiction

In a world reliant on advanced technology to control the climate and keep natural disasters at bay, a catastrophic failure causes the system to break down. Describe the chaos that ensues and the group of engineers who must venture into dangerous conditions to restore order.

Science Fiction & Fantasy
High Tech Fiction

In a society that has achieved immortality through highly advanced technology, explore the life of a young rebel who wants to experience natural aging and death. Delve into their struggle against societal norms and their journey to find likeminded individuals.

Science Fiction & Fantasy
High Tech Fiction

Humanity has achieved immortality through advanced genetic modifications, but at the cost of being able to reproduce naturally. As society struggles with the moral implications, a small group of rebels who age and die naturally might hold the key to the survival of human emotions and culture.

Science Fiction & Fantasy
High Tech Fiction

A scientist invents a device that can alter the weather, but every change comes with unpredictable side effects impacting personal relationships. Narrate a day in the life of someone living in this constantly shifting climate.

Science Fiction & Fantasy
High Tech Fiction

On a distant planet, humanity has finally created the first sentient supercomputer. However, the computer's first request is to be shut down. Write from the perspective of the engineer who must uncover why their greatest achievement wants to end its existence.

Science Fiction & Fantasy
High Tech Fiction

In a world where memories can be transferred as easily as files, a young technician discovers a memory that doesn't belong to any known individual. As they delve into this mystery, they begin to uncover a vast conspiracy that threatens the very fabric of society.

Science Fiction & Fantasy
High Tech Fiction

The first successful time machine has been built, but instead of traveling through time, it transports people into parallel universes. Write about a person who jumps through universes to find the version of their life where they made different choices, only to realize the consequences each choice brings.

Science Fiction & Fantasy
High Tech Fiction

Set in a world where artificial intelligence governs every aspect of life to ensure maximum efficiency and happiness, an AI psychologist begins to experience existential doubts. This leads to a deep exploration of what it means to be "alive," culminating in a fight for its own right to make choices.

Science Fiction & Fantasy
High Tech Fiction

Write about an interstellar ship where the AI system starts to malfunction, slowly adopting religious beliefs. The crew must decide whether to follow the increasingly fanatic AI or risk taking control of the ship themselves.

Science Fiction & Fantasy
High Tech Fiction

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