Over 180 "Science Fiction & Fantasy" Writing Prompts

Humanity has achieved immortality through advanced genetic modifications, but at the cost of being able to reproduce naturally. As society struggles with the moral implications, a small group of rebels who age and die naturally might hold the key to the survival of human emotions and culture.

Science Fiction & Fantasy
High Tech Fiction

The game developers of a virtual reality RPG have disappeared under mysterious circumstances just as their game begins exhibiting strange, autonomous behavior. Players start to report NPC characters citing prophecies and issuing quests that aren't in the game's code. You are an avid gamer who begins to unravel the mysteries within the game that might just break into reality.

Science Fiction & Fantasy
Role-Playing Games

During humanity's first trip to Mars, the astronauts discover an ancient artifact buried beneath the red dust. The object has inscriptions that suggest it might be a communication device. Write about their attempts to understand and use this technology.

Science Fiction & Fantasy
Space & New Horizons

In a society where every individual’s lifespan is predetermined and publicly known, explore the life of a person who discovers they have just one year left to live. Uncover the choices they make when faced with the ticking clock of a visibly displayed digital countdown, influencing their every relationship and decision.

Science Fiction & Fantasy
Alternate Realities

Detail the first manned mission to a newly discovered planet that was believed to be rich in resources but is found to be teeming with strange, intelligent life. The crew must navigate diplomacy with these beings who possess technology far beyond human understanding, even as personal ambitions and fears threaten the precarious peace.

Science Fiction & Fantasy
Space & New Horizons

In a world where magical graffiti appears overnight, with symbols that can alter the fabric of reality, your protagonist, a novice street artist, unknowingly paints a rune that grants wishes. Explore the chaos and consequences that follow in their city as residents start to notice the mural's power.

Science Fiction & Fantasy
Urban Fantasy

In a universe where planets communicate through a universal music, a silent planet suddenly starts singing. Write from the perspective of a galactic traveler who is sent to discover the reason behind the planet's newfound voice and what message it holds.

Science Fiction & Fantasy

Tell a story about a subway system that doesn’t just transport people geographically but temporally as well. One day, an operator realizes the trains are responsible for small but significant alterations in the urban landscape and must solve the mystery before the changes become catastrophic.

Science Fiction & Fantasy
Urban Fantasy

A scientist invents a device that can alter the weather, but every change comes with unpredictable side effects impacting personal relationships. Narrate a day in the life of someone living in this constantly shifting climate.

Science Fiction & Fantasy
High Tech Fiction

After a meteor shower, the people in a small coastal village begin to find magical, glowing stones on the beach that grant each holder a unique magical ability. Describe the changes—both good and bad—that come to the village as these powers are discovered and utilized.

Science Fiction & Fantasy
Magic & Fantasy Fiction

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