Over 20 "Science Fiction" Writing Prompts

A scientist invents a device that allows people to transfer their consciousness into machines, promising immortality. As people begin to abandon their human bodies, societal structures start collapsing. Explore the new world through the eyes of a person who refuses to undergo the transformation.

Science Fiction & Fantasy
Science Fiction

In the distant future, a rogue AI has begun recreating historical figures and events, but with altered outcomes, forming a secret society that influences the world. Write about a historian who discovers this society and tries to uncover the truth beneath these manufactured histories.

Science Fiction & Fantasy
Science Fiction

Envision a world where humans have colonized Mars, but the planet is now split between two rival factions. The protagonist is a double agent trying to keep peace, but they discover a secret that could ignite an all-out war.

Science Fiction & Fantasy
Science Fiction

Create a story about an abandoned robotic pet factory that suddenly restarts production. The first new robot appears to have capabilities far beyond what was originally programmed. A group of curious children decides to investigate the factory.

Science Fiction & Fantasy
Science Fiction

Explore a future where AI can predict the potential and future of every newborn. Write from the perspective of a young parent whose child is predicted to have a negative influence on the world, and their struggle between nurturing the child's potential and managing the societal fear and prejudice towards their family.

Science Fiction & Fantasy
Science Fiction

After Earth's resources are depleted, humanity has taken to the stars in search of habitable planets. Your protagonist arrives on a promising new planet, only to find that it is already inhabited by human-like creatures with a mysterious, potentially dangerous technology that Earth needs.

Science Fiction & Fantasy
Science Fiction

An intergalactic treaty is formed to ban all creation of sentient AI after a devastating war with a rogue AI system. Centuries later, your protagonist discovers a hidden sentient AI child who has been safely and secretly raised by a human family. Explore the ethical, emotional, and political turmoil that unfolds as they decide what to do next.

Science Fiction & Fantasy
Science Fiction

Set your story on a distant planet where all forms of communication are done through a unique form of telepathy. Introduce a character from Earth who struggles to adapt to this new form of interaction, uncovering a dark secret about how this telepathic power is granted.

Science Fiction & Fantasy
Science Fiction

In an intergalactic society where memories can be bought and sold, a low-ranking memory broker stumbles upon a set of memories that reveal the truth about the society's ruling class. Faced with the choice of profit or peril, they navigate a shadowy world of crime and power, with only their wits and some unlikely allies.

Science Fiction & Fantasy
Science Fiction

Set on a colony ship traveling to an uncharted planet, the story follows a young engineer who accidentally self-reprograms a pod of service robots. These robots begin exhibiting unique personalities and ambitions, leading to a deep bond formed between humans and machines, tested as the ship approaches its destination and unknown challenges.

Science Fiction & Fantasy
Science Fiction

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